josh blog

Ordinary language is all right.

One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.

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7 Jan '13 10:17:53 AM

Make them go back.

7 Jan '13 10:12:12 AM

Notice something.

6 Jan '13 08:27:01 AM

Some salads are green. I mean, like, really green.

6 Jan '13 02:21:46 AM

Adorno calls Schopenhauer a 'malicious heir of the great speculators'. I distrust any of Schopenhauer's commentators who fails to appreciate that malice, that delight in almost surreptitiously inverting as much of the tradition as possible.

5 Jan '13 01:53:45 AM

'… authentically grubby dork compassion…'

4 Jan '13 12:24:29 AM

'In the end hope, wrested from reality by negating it, is the only form in which truth appears. Without hope, the idea of truth would be scarcely even thinkable, and it is the cardinal untruth, having recognized existence to be bad, to present it as truth simply because it has been recognized.'

3 Jan '13 06:53:25 AM

Nerd vérité is when Peter Bishop sits down at a computer and then asks someone, 'where does this print?'.

2 Jan '13 03:44:33 AM

'The most remarkable thing is the involuntary nature of the image, the metaphor; you do not know what an image, a metaphor, is any more, everything offers itself up as the closest, simplest, most fitting expression. It really seems (to recall something Zarathustra once said) as if things approached on their own and offered themselves up as metaphors…'

1 Jan '13 02:14:00 AM

'…a disposition, a small, powerful idea well embodied…'