josh blog

Ordinary language is all right.

One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.

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11 Apr '13 08:38:18 PM

When critics listen to music they can also sometimes hear what the musicians are trying to do.

11 Apr '13 06:19:51 AM

Assignment for an aesthetics course: write a set of instructions, 2 pp., titled 'How to read a poem out loud—and why'.

10 Apr '13 08:58:33 PM

What makes us think that philosophy must be a kind of work?

10 Apr '13 07:24:22 AM


10 Apr '13 05:44:38 AM

Diurnalizing poetry?

10 Apr '13 05:41:54 AM

Common places: the store, the office, the corner, the kitchen, the street.

10 Apr '13 04:51:27 AM

'In my poetry a rhyme / Would seem to me almost insolent'

3 Apr '13 08:59:07 AM

'… it is the common thing which is annonymously about us.'

31 Mar '13 06:46:09 AM

In the really spectacular witness-stand breakdowns, defendants aren't just caught in lies or betrayed by their irrepressible passions, they're provoked to outpourings of murderous defiance.