josh blog

Ordinary language is all right.

One could divide humanity into two classes:
those who master a metaphor, and those who hold by a formula.
Those with a bent for both are too few, they do not comprise a class.

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12 Apr '13 12:02:32 AM

'And then there is the actual class period, during which you scramble to scoop up what the students toss you and shape it into something which is changing even while you handle it…'

11 Apr '13 08:38:18 PM

When critics listen to music they can also sometimes hear what the musicians are trying to do.

11 Apr '13 06:19:51 AM

Assignment for an aesthetics course: write a set of instructions, 2 pp., titled 'How to read a poem out loud—and why'.

10 Apr '13 08:58:33 PM

What makes us think that philosophy must be a kind of work?

10 Apr '13 07:24:22 AM


10 Apr '13 05:44:38 AM

Diurnalizing poetry?

10 Apr '13 05:41:54 AM

Common places: the store, the office, the corner, the kitchen, the street.

10 Apr '13 04:51:27 AM

'In my poetry a rhyme / Would seem to me almost insolent'

3 Apr '13 08:59:07 AM

'… it is the common thing which is annonymously about us.'