Morice 'of the Holyhede' 1474 John Asshborne of Coventry - 1472 John Bernard - 1485 Laghlyn Berne - 1489 John Bernewale - 1475 Richard Bernewall - 1469 William Bernewall - 1486 William Berry - 1474 Thomas Berry - 1474 [glover] Isabel Bertholomew - 1477 Peter Bertholomew - 1477 Anne Bertholomew - 1479 Jenet Bertholomew - 1481 Philip Bertholomew - 1486 William Bertholomew - 1486 John Bertrame - 1476 John Bertrame - 1476 [not the same as above] William Bery - 1472 William Bery - 1474 [glover] William Bery - 1479 Robert Birrell - 1482 Alice Bisset - 1483 Walter Blake - 1473 John Blake - 1479 Robert Blake - 1479 Nicholas Blake - 1481 Walter Blake - 1482 Margaret Blake - 1483 Patrick Blake - 1489 John Blanchevile - 1487 Robert Blanchevile - 1487 Anne Blysset - 1484 Robert Bolde - 1469 Thomas Boll - 1472 Thomas Boller - 1474 Christina Botteler - 1472 John Bottiler - 1479 Nicholas Bottiler - 1486 Stephen Bottiller - 1470 William Bottiller - 1470 John Bottiller - 1471 [merchant] John Bottiller - 1473 John Bottiller - 1475 Stephen Bottiller - 1476 [skinner] Richard Bottiller - 1477 John Boulond - 1472 John Boulond - 1473 Richard Boulond - 1473 John Bourke - 1475 Nicholas Bourke - 1475 Nicholas Bourke - 1475 [merchant] Nicholas Bourke - 1479 Nicholas Bourke - 1485 Katherine Boyane - 1480 Katherine Boyane - 1480 [same as prev] Robert Boys - 1473 Thomas Boys - 1473 Nicholas Boys - 1481 Patrick Bracley - 1471 William Bradoke - 1480 Thomas Brasyll - 1477 Thomas Brengan - 1477 Richard Breynoke - 1472 Robert Brice - 1481 Christina Brise - 1475 John Britte - 1470 John Britte - 1480 William Brodoke - 1484 Henry Bron - 1468 John Bron - 1468 Nicholas Bron - 1469 John Bron - 1469 [smith] Nicholas Bron - 1470 Richard Bron - 1471 [merchant] John Bron - 1471 [smith] Henry Bron - 1473 [yeoman] William Bron - 1475 [carpenter] William Bron - 1478 Henry Bron - 1481 [tailor] Anne Bron - 1482 Richard Bron - 1482 [yeoman] Nicholsa Bron - 1483 [butcher] William Bron - 1483 [carpenter] Rose Bron - 1484 Thomas Bron - 1485 John Bron - 1486 Thomas Bron - 1488 John Bron - 1488 [smith] Richard Bronnewsyn - 1471 Robert Bronnewsyn - 1472 [merchant] Reginald Broun - 1476 William Browne - 1478 Henry Browne - 1478 [scissoris] Richard Brune - 1476 Isabel Brune - 1479 Pernell Brune - 1479 John Brune - 1486 Richard Brune - 1487 Laurence Bryan - 1473 Michael Bryne - 1472 Richard Bull - 1471 Thomas Burges - 1484 John Burnell - 1469 John Burnell - 1469 Robert Burnell - 1469 John Burnell - 1470 Patrick Burnell - 1470 Patrick Burnell - 1484 Thomas Burton - 1468 Maurice Burwyll - 1469 Christina Buttiller - 1470 Maurice Buttiller - 1470 John Byrrell - 1473 John Byrsall - 1486 Richard Caddell - 1476 Robert Cadell - 1483 Richard Calfe - 1468 Robert Canlane - 1486 William Canne - 1489 Thomas Cantewell - 1476 Thomas Canton - 1479 William Cantrell - 1486 Margaret Cantwell - 1481 Robert Carpenter - 1470 John Carre - 1469 Richard Casse - 1471 Edward Casshell - 1469 William Chamberleyn - 1472 Katherine Chamberleyn - 1485 Nicholas Chambre - 1482 John Chever - 1474 Katherine Chever - 1474 Katherine Chever - 1477 Nicholas Chever - 1486 Hugh Chillam - 1471 John Chillam - 1471 Robert Chyllam - 1473 John Clare - 1469 Elen Clerk - 1473 Robert Clerke - 1468 Thomas Clerke - 1469 John Clerke - 1473 Jenet Clerke - 1489 John Clifford - 1487 Katherine Clole - 1488 Walter Clone - 1488 James Clynche - 1481 James Coan - 1476 James Coan - 1485 Simon Coan - 1489 Richard Codd - 1477 Milo Coffyne - 1480 Stephen Coke - 1476 Roger Coke - 1489 Geoffrey Colgagh - 1489 Thomas Collier - 1477 Joan Collier - 1478 Thomas Collier - 1478 Thomas Collier - 1484 Richard Collyn - 1472 Thomas Collyn - 1477 Richard Collyne - 1477 Richard Collyne - 1482 Cecilia Colman - 1473 Cecilia Colman - 1475 Walter Colman - 1483 Maurice Colton - 1488 Marion Colwell - 1485 Robert Colwell - 1485 Margaret Comyn - 1469 William Connyng - 1488 Denis Conway - 1472 Henry Conway - 1487 Denis Conway - 1487 [merchant] Thomas Conyers - 1483 James Conyngham - 1473 Philip Cor - 1473 John Cor - 1474 William Coragh - 1482 Edward Corbally - 1480 Agnes Corbally - 1483 Jenet Cornell - 1469 Dermot Cornell - 1472 Hugh Cornell - 1472 William Cornell - 1472 Thomas Cornell - 1475 William Cornell - 1475 William Cornell - 1479 Alice Cornewalshe - 1470 Nicholas Cornyng - 1485 John Cosyn - 1485 John Cotrell - 1468 James Cotyngham - 1484 Nicholas Coyn - 1486 Richard Coyn alias Tyve - 1482 William Creffe - 1481 John Crewerte - 1489 Alison Cristore - 1469 Leticia Crocker - 1487 Robert Crosse - 1488 Thomas Cruys - 1482 Nicholas Cruys - 1483 Margaret Cruys - 1489 Reginald Cruys - 1489 John Cunnagh - 1485 Thomas Cusak - 1477 Richard Cusak - 1482 Walter Cusak - 1482 Christopher Cusake - 1470 Jenet Cusake - 1483 Mathilda Dalton - 1479 John Dalton - 1483 John Dalway - 1476 John Daly - 1484 William Dansey - 1469 John Dansey - 1472 John Dansey - 1473 Stephen Dansey - 1474 John Dansey - 1482 John Dansey - 1488 Patrick Dansey - 1488 Thomsa Danyell - 1472 William Danyell - 1474 [merchant] Richard Danyell - 1475 William Danyll - 1475 Alison Darditz - 1469 Thomas Dartas - 1479 John Davey - 1486 Hugh David - 1479 Nicholas Daw - 1488 William Dawe - 1481 Mauric Dayll - 1469 Richard Delahyde - 1480 Robert Denne - 1483 Margery Dennyse - 1470 Margaret Dennyse - 1478 Margery Dennyse - 1478 Richard Denton - 1483 Blanche Derpatryke - 1484 Walter Dewnyshe - 1481 Rose Dewnyshe - 1486 William Dewnysshe - 1473 Olif Dexeter - 1480 [f] Elen Dexeter - 1486 James Dexeter - 1487 John Deynes - 1480 Richard Dirrame - 1484 John Dirrane - 1481 Reginald Dolman - 1469 William Donewith - 1480 William Donewith - 1481 Katherine Dongan - 1479 John Dongan - 1488 William Donogh - 1474 William Dovedall - 1473 Thomas Dovedall - 1484 Peter Dow - 1486 Thomas Dowdall - 1469 Laghlyn Dowlyn - 1470 Thomas Dowlyn - 1482 Ó Dubhlainn David Dowlyng - 1486 Margaret Downe - 1478 Margaret Downe - 1482 Rose Downe - 1484 Peter Downyll - 1482 Richard Downyll - 1482 John Dreynan - 1481 Isabel Duff - 1482 Katherine Duff - 1486 Jenet Dullard - 1484 William Edward - 1481 Anne Edwarde - 1480 William Elgyne - 1471 John Eliot - 1483 Anastacia Elliot - 1482 Christopher Elliott - 1488 Laurence Ellise - 1474 Alice Englis - 1483 William Englis - 1488 [same as other] Elen Englishe - 1487 William Englishe - 1487 Henry Eustace - 1470 Martin Eustace - 1470 Alison Eustace - 1475 Robert Eustace - 1475 John Eustace - 1476 Christopher Eustace - 1478 Robert Eustace - 1479 Ismay Eustace - 1481 James Eustace - 1484 James Eustace - 1484 John Eustace - 1484 Walter Eustace - 1488 Margaret Ever - 1479 Walter Ever - 1484 Richard Evyas - 1473 Donald Eyver - 1471 Patrick Fannyng - 1486 Bele Felde - 1470 Nicholas Felde - 1481 Christopher Felder - 1472 Nicholas Fernes - 1470 Simon Ferrees - 1489 Stephen Ferrees - 1489 Simon Ferres - 1470 Thomas Festam - 1479 John Festam - 1482 Roger Feypow - 1475 Margaret FitzHenry - 1483 John FitzJohn - 1468 Richard FitzJohn - 1468 Alexander FitzJohn - 1469 [discharged because he was of the Irish nation] William FitzLeones - 1474 Patrick FitzLeones - 1482 Patrick FitzLeones - 1483 Gerald FitzMorice - 1478 Patrick FitzRery - 1472 Simon FitzRery - 1472 Simon FitzRery - 1475 [merchant] David FitzRery - 1481 Peter FitzRery - 1481 Thomas Fitzsimon - 1469 Walter FitzSimon - 1471 Thomas FitzSimon - 1475 Thomas FitzSimon - 1476 Robert FitzSimon - 1480 [merchant] Philip FitzSimon - 1483 Thomas FitzSimon - 1485 [merchant] Robert Fitzsimond - 1469 Nicholas FitzSimond - 1484 Alice FitzSimond - 1486 Thomas FitzSimond [same as above] Thomas FitzSymond - 1484 Edward FitzThomas - 1479 Katherine FitzWilliam - 1470 Laurence FitzWilliam - 1470 Robert FiztSimon - 1475 John Flacher - 1486 Henry Flemyng - 1468 Maurice Flemyng - 1469 John Flemyng - 1469 (clerk) John Flemyng - 1469 [smith] Philip Flemyng - 1470 John Flemyng - 1470 [corviser] William Flemyng - 1471 John Flemyng - 1472 John Flemyng - 1473 John Flemyng - 1475 [smith] William Flemyng - 1476 [merchant, not the same as other] William Flemyng - 1476 [merchant] John Flemyng - 1477 [smith] Thomas Flemyng - 1479 Anastasia Flemyng - 1480 Thomas Flemyng - 1487 Thomas Foile - 1474 John Foile - 1478 Walter Foile - 1478 Margaret Folyng - 1469 Edmund Forester - 1476 Robert Forster - 1475 Richard Forster - 1485 Richard Forster - 1486 John Fouler - 1470 William Fouler - 1472 Matthew Fouler - 1475 Thomas Fouler - 1475 Matthew Fouler - 1476 [merchant] Thomas Fouler - 1477 [cook] Matthew Fouler - 1477 [merchant] Matthew Fouler - 1481 Matthew Fouler - 1482 [merchant] James Fox - 1474 John Fox - 1478 James Fox - 1482 William Francane - 1473 Thomas Fraunces - 1470 John Fyan - 1473 John Fyan - 1476 Joohn Fyan - 1484 John Fyan - 1486 John Fyane - 1480 [merchant] John Fynglas - 1481 Nicholas Fynsam - 1470 Nicholas Fynsam - 1477 Nicholas Fynsam - 1485 [glover] Henry Fynsame - 1483 John Gaidon - 1474 John Gaidon - 1474 [father of other one] John Gaidon - 1483 John Gaidon - 1486 Anne Gallan - 1470 Thomas Galmoe alias Archebold - 1489 Jenet Galmole - 1484 Patrick Galtrym - 1486 Philip Garrot - 1480 Peter Garvey - 1486 Margaret Gavan - 1486 Richard Gavane - 1469 [smith] Alice Gawny - 1469 Joan Gellows - 1470 Joan Gernon - 1483 Katherine Gerrard - 1486 Katherine Gerrarde - 1471 Richard Gerrot - 1470 Patrick Gerrot - 1473 Walter Gerrot - 1483 Patrick Gerrott - 1478 John Godfrey - 1489 John Godyne - 1470 John Godyne - 1470 [merchant] John Godyne - 1474 John Godyne - 1486 Thomas Goldyng - 1471 Richard Goldyng - 1480 Thomas Gonne - 1469 Richard Gossan - 1483 John Gosse - 1485 John Goviny - 1489 John Gowny - 1468 Alice Gowny - 1487 John Goygh - 1472 John Grace - 1489 William Grace - 1489 Richard Grage - 1485 William Grampe - 1469 William Grampe - 1473 William Grampe - 1474 William Grampe - 1477 William Grampe - 1479 William Grampe - 1479 [merchant] James Grampe - 1482 William Grampe - 1483 William Grampe - 1486 William Grampe, junior - 1469 Nicholas Granger - 1470 Walter Graunt - 1482 Henry Gregory - 1479 John Grenefell - 1486 Robert Grevys - 1483 John Griffyn - 1469 John Griffyn - 1473 [smith] John Griffyn - 1476 [smith] John Gryffyn - 1469 John Gryffyn - 1480 [smith] James Gylbard - 1470 Nicholas Gyrron - 1482 John Hacket - 1469 John Hacket - 1471 John Hacket - 1477 John Hacket - 1487 William Hacket - 1487 John Hailot - 1485 Oliver Hakehede - 1481 Alexander Hamound - 1489 Robert Hancock - 1480 John Hanley - 1489 Nicholas Hanse - 1487 James Hanwodd - 1487 Stephen Harold - 1479 John Harold - 1482 Richard Harold - 1482 Christina Harolde - 1482 Peter Harolde - 1487 Nicholas Harolde - 1489 Nicholas Harrold - 1478 Stephen Harrolde - 1472 William Harrolde - 1472 Millane Harroll - 1478 John Hart - 1484 William Hartall - 1479 Laurence Hasarde - 1473 Alice Hassard - 1479 Thomas Hay - 1469 John Haylan - 1470 James Hebbert - 1476 Richard Hede - 1474 Christopher Hege alias Higley - 1468 Thomas Herbard - 1482 Thomas Herbard - 1489 Nicholas Herbart - 1479 Thomas Herbart - 1479 William Herbert - 1475 Thomas Herbert - 1478 John Herford - 1475 Thomas Herford - 1475 John Herford - 1476 Walter Herford - 1483 John Herforde - 1469 Thomas Herforde - 1477 Richard Herforde - 1484 Philip Hertford - 1488 Manus Heyn - 1477 William Heyne - 1489 Robert Heyron - 1469 Christopher Higeley - 1482 Thomas Higeley - 1482 Patrick Highley - 1484 John Hill - 1471 Simon Hill - 1479 David Hobocke - 1489 Maurice Hogyne - 1476 [smith] Margaret Holiwod - 1469 Roger Holywod - 1482 Patrick Honylow - 1488 Robert Hopynglade - 1489 Paul Hore - 1482 Richard Hore - 1482 Alicia Horyne - 1479 Patrick Hosey - 1486 Thomas Hossey - 1480 John Hossey - 1486 William Houthe - 1480 Walter Howth - 1489 Hugh Hunt - 1469 William Hunt - 1474 William Hunt - 1485 Robert Hunt - 1488 Patrick Hunylow - 1475 Edmund Hussey - 1469 Thomas Hyggyn - 1468 John Hygley - 1468 Philip Hyrrell - 1470 Richard Hyrrell - 1470 John Ingerame - 1476 Laurence Ingloke - 1480 John Irell - 1470 Philip Irell - 1470 Simon Isak - 1487 Simon Isake - 1474 William Jamesson - 1474 Richard Jordan - 1478 John Jordane - 1470 James Junor - 1473 Anne Kele - 1476 Richard Kelly - 1469 John Kelly - 1471 Jenet Kelly - 1473 Walter Kelly - 1478 John Kelly - 1483 Maurice Kelly - 1483 John Kelly - 1484 Makyne Kelly - 1485 Thomas Kelly - 1487 Isabel Kelly - 1488 John Kelly - 1488 Joan Kelly alias Joan Halpenny - 1487 Richard Kenan - 1469 William Kenan - 1486 John Kenan - 1487 Patrick Kenne - 1469 Walter Kenny - 1471 Maurice Kenny - 1485 John Kenny - 1489 [butcher] Joan Kent - 1470 Margaret Kent - 1474 Thomas Kent - 1482 Peter Kerny - 1483 Nicholas Ketyng - 1469 Thomas Ketyng - 1483 William Knowde - 1489 Philip Kyng - 1484 Geoffrey Lange - 1468 John Lange - 1468 Christopher Lange - 1472 Thomas Lange - 1472 Thomas Lange - 1479 John Lange - 1483 Thomas Lange - 1483 Edward Lange - 1485 Dermot Lange - 1489 Katherine Lange - 1489 Reginald Lappaine - 1474 Thomas Laundey - 1484 Joan Lauules - 1471 Robert Lauules - 1471 John Lawles - 1479 Nicholas Lawles - 1479 John Lawles - 1481 Patrick Lawles - 1482 David Lawles - 1484 Margaret Lawles - 1484 Katherine Lawles - 1485 Richard Lawles - 1489 Raifes Lawless - 1470 Margaret Lawless - 1481 Elen Lawless - 1488 Hugh Leche - 1468 John Leche - 1471 Thomas Ledewiche - 1480 Joan Leux - 1481 Philip Leyghlyn - 1484 John Leyghlyn - 1487 John Leynagh - 1484 John Leynagh - 1489 David Locum - 1469 Nicholas Locum - 1486 Matthew Loghan - 1469 Patrick Loghan - 1469 Anny Loghane - 1471 Richard Ludlow - 1471 Walter Ludlow - 1471 John Luttrell - 1479 Nicholas Luttrell - 1480 Alexander Ly - 1479 Richard Ly - 1479 John Ly - 1480 [gentleman] Alexander Ly - 1489 John Lyalton - 1470 Jenet Lye - 1470 Patrick Lye - 1470 Richard Lye - 1477 Patrick Lyle - 1474 Dermot Lynchy - 1473, Ó Loingsigh Robert Lynne - 1476 John Lyy - 1483 Richard Lyy - 1483 Henry Mahallow - 1469 Katherine Maile - 1479 David Malone - 1482 John Mangane - 1477 William Mannyng - 1468 William Mannyng - 1473 William Mannyng - 1484 [glover] Janico Marcus - 1479 Janico Markys - 1475 [merchant] Walter Marrewarde - 1479 Eustace Martyne - 1469 Janyco Maryks - 1473 Christopher Maryman - 1471 Patrick Maryman - 1489 Henry Mawleyne - 1468 Robert Mayn - 1487 Robert Mayne - 1471 Thomas Meiler - 1475 Thomas Meiler - 1479 Thomas Meiler - 1480 Thomas Meiler - 1484 [merchant] Walter Meiler - 1487 Margaret Mey - 1469 Margaret Mey - 1487 Edmund Meyler - 1475 Richard Miagh - 1482 Richard Middenyght - 1485 Thomas Millon - 1484 Richard Mitchell - 1482 Henry Mole - 1469 Patrick Mole - 1477 Elen Mole - 1484 Henry Mole - 1484 Henry Mole - 1488 Elen Mole - 1489 Patrick Mole - 1489 Sethe Molence - 1474 Nicholas Molice - 1483 John Moltrey - 1470 Joan Monsell - 1486 Germyne Monteyn - 1474 William More - 1472 Thomas More - 1473 John More - 1481 Stephen More - 1481 Thomas More - 1483 Richard More - 1484 Walter More - 1489 John Mortymer - 1469 Thomas Mulgham - 1477 Maurice Mulghan - 1468 Thomas Mulghan - 1470 Thomas Mulghan - 1473 Thomas Mulghan - 1474 John Mulghan - 1474 [clerk] John Mulghan - 1475 John Mulghan - 1479 Thomas Mulghan - 1482 Thomas Mulghan - 1482 Thomas Mulghan - 1482 William Mulghan - 1482 Thomas Mulghan - 1482 [merchant] Thomas Mulghan - 1482 [not same as above] Rose Mulghan - 1488 Walter Myagh - 1482 Bele Mynyane - 1482 Isabel Nangle - 1468 [apprentice to Thomas Palmer, vintner] Roger Nangle - 1469 Nicholas Nangle - 1470 Richard Nangle - 1471 [clerk] Thomas Nangle - 1474 Thomas Nangle - 1483 Richard Nangle - 1483 [clerk] Nicholas Nangle - 1483 [shearman] John Nangle - 1484 Thomas Nangle - 1486 Thomas Neill - 1470 Robert Newell - 1484 Thomas Newman - 1477 Richard Newman - 1479 Thomas Newman - 1488 Anne Orpey - 1486 Eli Osborne - 1475 William Owyn - 1471 John Owyn - 1474 [girdler] Denis Owyn - 1482 Thomas Palmer - 1468 Nicholas Palmer - 1471 Edward Palmer - 1484 Thomas Palmer - 1484 Nicholas Palmer - 1489 [vintner] Stephen Panton - 1488 Richard Parker - 1474 Richard Parker - 1478 Richard Parker - 1482 John Parker - 1489 Richard Parker - 1489 William Parpyn - 1475 John Passelow - 1470 Margaret Payne - 1483 John Payne - 1487 John Paynell - 1470 Walter Pecok - 1482 Joan Pendregast - 1472 Anne Pendregast - 1477 Anthony Percy - 1474 Katherine Pers - 1468 Walter Pers - 1483 Walter Pers - 1484 Walter Pers - 1489 John Petit - 1475 John Petit - 1479 Christopher Petit - 1483 William Petit - 1488 John Petite - 1487 Robert Philbert - 1476 Thomas Philipp - 1488 John Plant - 1479 William Porter - 1474 Jenet Porter - 1475 Margaret Pover alias Waterford - 1475 Katherine Power - 1487 John Power - 1489 Philip Prendregast - 1472 John Prendregast - 1473 Thomas Prendregast - 1482 Laurence Preston - 1480 John Pricker - 1484 Patrick Prount - 1468 John Prountfote - 1475 John Prountfote, senior - 1475 John Prycker - 1475 Richard Prycker - 1475 Henry Purcell - 1470 William Purcell - 1470 David Purcell - 1477 Gerald Purcell - 1483 Robert Queidrot - 1479 William Rabo - 1480 William Raget - 1472 Peter Rather - 1484 John Ray - 1469 John Ray - 1474 John Ray - 1486 Robert Rede - 1468 John Rede - 1484 Joan Regall - 1477 John Regane - 1469 John Rendill - 1477 John Reve - 1471 Roys Reve - 1471 John Rew - 1476 John Rew - 1483 John Rewe - 1488 James Rice - 1483 Philip Robert - 1486 Robert Robynnesson - 1481 Thomas Roche - 1470 Nicholas Roche - 1473 William Roche - 1473 John Roche - 1477 Edward Roche - 1489 Philip Roche - 1489 Richard Roche - 1489 Robert Rocheford - 1469 John Rocheford - 1474 William Rocheford - 1485 Robert Roger - 1470 John Rosell - 1474 Bartholomew Rosell - 1475 John Rosell - 1475 [merchant] John Rosell - 1482 John Rosell - 1482 [merchant] John Rosell - 1484 Margaret Rouse - 1469 Nicholas Row - 1475 Thomas Row - 1478 John Row - 1484 Maurice Row - 1484 Margaret Rowce - 1476 Katherine Russell - 1469 John Russell - 1471 William Russell - 1474 Margaret Russell - 1475 John Russell - 1476 Richard Russell - 1480 Richard Russell - 1482 Walter Russell - 1482 William Russell - 1482 John Russell - 1485 Cristopher Russell - 1487 Walter Russell - 1489 Joan Ryan - 1470 John Ryane - 1469 Robert Rychman - 1469 Joan Rygell - 1484 Walter Sale - 1472 Philip Sampson - 1470 Robert Sampson - 1470 Richard Sampson - 1485 Roger Sampson - 1486 Jenet Sampson - 1488 Ade Sander - 1468 John Savage - 1468 John Savage - 1469 John Savage - 1474 Walter Savage - 1474 [yeoman] John Savage - 1477 [merchant] John Savage - 1482 Margaret Savage - 1482 John Savage - 1483 Edward Savage - 1484 [tailor] John Savage - 1488 John Scurlag - 1472 Thomas Scurlag - 1472 Thomas Scurlag - 1487 John Seriaunt - 1481 John Seriaunt - 1484 John Sex - 1470 Elizabeth Sex - 1474 Patrick Sex - 1479 Laurence Sex - 1488 Patrick Sexe - 1489 John Shillyngford - 1471 Richard Shillyngford - 1471 David Shillyngford - 1477 Robert Shillyngford - 1477 Andrew Shillyngford - 1483 Agnes Shyllyngford - 1483 David Shyllyngford - 1483 John Shynnagh - 1472 Thomas Shynnagh - 1472 Jenet Slacke - 1482 Anne Smothe - 1471 Marion Smothe - 1479 Denis Smyth - 1480 Joan Snell - 1486 Maurice Sogyn - 1468 DAvid Sogyn - 1484 Maurice Sogyn - 1484 Maurice Sogyne - 1469 Walter Sogyne - 1484 Denis Sonan - 1476 Walter Sonnyng - 1473 John Sorell - 1469 Jenet Sowthren - 1475 Jenet Sowthren - 1475 Stephen Sprot - 1489 Nicholas Stacboll - 1483 Roger Stafford - 1484 John Stanton - 1469 William Stanton - 1470 John Stanton - 1485 James Stanton - 1486 Margaret Stanton - 1489 Richard Stanyhurst - 1476 John Stanyhurst - 1482 John Starkey - 1482 John Stede - 1487 Patrick Stewne - 1479 Richard Stewne - 1484 Richard Stewne, junior - 1476 Robert Stewnes - 1487 Nicholas Stewnot - 1479 Walter Steynor - 1471 John Stobyn - 1484 James Stokys - 1477 Joanna Stonys - 1469 Joan Stonys - 1478 Thomas Strangvyse - 1482 John Swetman - 1473 Edmund Swetman - 1475 Anne Swetman - 1481 Milo Swetman - 1481 John Swetman - 1482 Thomas Swetman - 1487 Stephen Swyfte - 1485 Bartholomew Sylke - 1469 Walter Synnot - 1488 Thomas Taborer - 1486 Thomas Taillor - 1485 Thomas Tailor - 1487 John Talbot - 1469 Reginald Talbot - 1474 Hugh Talbot - 1475 Nicholas Talbot - 1476 Jenet Talbot - 1484 Reginald Talbot - 1484 William Talbot - 1484 Hugh Talbot - 1485 William Talbot - 1486 Reginald Talbot - 1489 Edward Tallon - 1483 John Tallon - 1489 Richard Tancard - 1471 Thomas Telyng - 1479 Edward Telyng - 1483 Christina Thonder - 1484 Richard Thordon - 1471 Margaret Tobyne - 1476 Philip Tole - 1484 John Tovy - 1468 John Travers - 1481 Elias Trevers - 1477 Meiler Trevers - 1482 Gilbert Trevers - 1486 William Tully - 1471 William Twe - 1488 Cecilia Tym - 1475 Nicholas Tynbeigh - 1476 Richard Tyrell - 1475 Nicholas Tyrrell - 1470 William Tyve - 1476 William Tyve - 1483 Patrick Tyve - 1489 William Tyve - 1489 [same as Twe?] Thomas Umfrey - 1487 Robert Uriell - 1470 Amy Usher - 1470 Arland Usher - 1470 Thomas Usher - 1470 Thomas Usher - 1482 Arland Ussher - 1469 Arland Ussher - 1474 Arland Ussher - 1475 [merchant] John Ussher - 1480 Robert Ussher - 1487 James Valen - 1483 Joan Valen - 1483 Richard Veisyn - 1471 Reginald Veldon - 1476 Thomas Venvale - 1482 John Veysyn - 1473 [tailor] Richard Veysyne - 1479 [tailor] Richard Wafyr - 1484 David Wallyse - 1477 John Walsh - 1472 Thomas Walsh - 1474 [same as other one] John Walsh - 1475 [pointmaker] John Walsh - 1480 Robert Walsh - 1481 [freeman] John Walsh - 1482 [pointmaker] John Walsh - 1484 Thomas Walsh - 1487 [weaver] Henry Walshe - 1468 Patrick Walshe - 1468 Peter Walshe - 1468 Alice Walshe - 1469 James Walshe - 1469 Joan Walshe - 1469 John Walshe - 1469 Philip Walshe - 1469 Roys Walshe - 1469 Reginald Walshe - 1470 Hugh Walshe - 1471 William Walshe - 1472 Jenet Walshe - 1474 Thomas Walshe - 1474 [corviser] Richard Walshe - 1475 [yeoman] Simon Walshe - 1476 John Walshe - 1477 Thomas Walshe - 1477 John Walshe - 1479 Richard Walshe - 1479 [glover] Thomas Walshe - 1479 [smith] Thomas Walshe - 1479 [smith] Agnes Walshe - 1480 Laurence Walshe - 1480 William Walshe - 1481 [merchant] John Walshe - 1481 [yeoman] John Walshe - 1481 [yeoman] Thomas Walshe - 1483 John Walshe - 1483 [carpenter] Peter Walshe - 1484 Robert Walshe - 1484 Thomas Walshe - 1484 Patrick Walshe - 1485 William Walshe - 1485 [mrechant] Hugh Walshe - 1487 [cook] Nicholas Walshe - 1487 [goldsmith] William Walshe - 1487 [weaver] David Walshe - 1488 Mathilda Walshe - 1488 Patrick Walshe alias Penkyston - 1473 John Warde - 1472 Alice Wareen - 1472 Alison Waren - 1475 John Waren - 1481 Marion Waren - 1481 Walter Waren - 1481 John Waren - 1482 Joan Waren - 1484 Laurence Waren - 1484 Anne Water - 1480 James Welles - 1469 John Welles - 1469 William Welles - 1486 John Wellis - 1480 Robert West - 1469 Richard West - 1472 John West - 1474 John West - 1475 [yeoman] John West - 1476 [merchant] Robert West - 1477 [merchant] John West - 1482 [merchant] Thomas West - 1489 Thomas Weste - 1470 John Weste - 1479 [merchant] Patrick Weysyn - 1469 Thomas Whitacre - 1470 John Whitacre - 1471 [merchant] John Whitacre - 1480 [merchant] John Whitacres - 1470 John White - 1468 Richard White - 1468 (glover) Richard White - 1468 (pewterer) Thomas White - 1469 Peter White - 1470 Richard White - 1470 Robert White - 1472 Patrick White - 1473 Margaret White - 1474 Nicholas White - 1474 William White - 1474 Jenet White - 1475 John White - 1477 Walter White - 1477 Thomas White - 1479 [glover] Richard White - 1479 [pewterer] Walter White - 1479 [yeoman] Cornelius White - 1480 Joan White - 1480 John White - 1480 Jenet White - 1481 Thomas White - 1481 William White - 1481 William White - 1481 John White - 1481 [yeoman] Isabel White - 1482 John White - 1484 Katherine White - 1484 Robert White - 1484 Nicholas White - 1485 Thomas White - 1485 Denis White - 1485 [smith] William White - 1487 Patrick White - 1488 Robert White - 1488 John White - 1489 Robert White - 1489 John Whiteacre - 1476 Katherine Whiteside - 1486 John Wicom - 1484 Margaret Widder - 1480 William Widder - 1480 Thomas Wiot - 1474 William Wiot - 1474 William Wiot - 1488 William Wisman - 1479 Agnes Wodbone - 1478 Philip Woddelok - 1478 Katherine Woddouns - 1482 Jenet Woder - 1469 Thomas Wodloke - 1478 James Wolfe - 1474 Thomas Wolton - 1474 Thomas Wolton - 1475 Thomas Wolton - 1477 Walter Wotton - 1474 John Wricsam - 1484 William Wright - 1474 Robert Wright - 1484 Robert Wryght - 1488 Henry Wydder - 1469 Walter Wydder - 1473 Thady Wygmore - 1469 Richard Wylcoke - 1468 William Wyllet - 1487 Joan Wylpytt - 1484 William Yonge - 1468 Laghlyn Yonge - 1470 Laghlyn Yonge - 1473 [corviser] William Yonge - 1481 John Yvane - 1481 Jacoba ['Jacobus'] Mosse - 1480 Millane ['Millan'] Ivers - 1487 Molina [Molinam] Cor - 1483