Dutch Names in Latin Contexts, c1340

by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Friedemann)

© 2001 Sara L. Friedemann; all rights reserved


These names come from what looks to be a tax or payment record from c.1340, written in a combination of Dutch and Latin. The names found therein display a wide range of forms, mixing Dutch and Latin and Latinized Dutch elements all within a single name. Most people are not identified by the usual name + patronymic byname ending in -soon structure that is found in later Dutch records; rather, someone named Arnold, a weaver, the son of William might have been known as Arnoldus Willelmus; Arnoldus, zoon van Willelmus; Arnoldus de Wever; Arnoldus Willelmus de Wever; or Arnoldus Textoris. Some people were referenced simply by their given name.

Women showed up fairly frequently, both in their own rights, and as other people's mothers. Their names showed the same variety as the men's; a woman could be known as someone's daughter, someone's widow, or with a descriptive or locative byname of her own.

I have tried to maintain a general idea of the frequencies at which these various names and structures occurred.

Feminine given names

Namenumber of occurencesfull entry
Aleydis8Aleydis Danielis
Aleydis Godescalcus
Aleydis Quadeneyen
Aleydis Smids (Fabri)
Aleydis van Wedeloghe
Aleydis Willelmus de Wijntapper (Vinitatoris)
Aleydis, docher van Theodoricus Stockelmans
Aleydis, weduwe van Willelmus Quadenei
Aleyd1Aleyd Godescalcus van de waag (statherus)
Aleyda1Aleyda Alardus

Masculine given names

Namenumber of occurencesfull entry
Arnoldus Curinc
Arnoldus de Keizer (Cesar)
Arnoldus de Snijder (Sartor) van Oerle
Arnoldus de Volder (Fulonis)
Arnoldus Donversaghet
Arnoldus Ghenekinus
Arnoldus Marsant
Arnoldus Nonden
Arnoldus Oda, van de hof van Kemerlincs
Arnoldus Steeyn
Arnoldus van Assebe
Arnoldus van Lie(m)beke
Arnoldus van Sceyen
Arnoldus van Steyne
Arnoldus verwante
Arnoldus, genaamd Vrier
Arnoldus, zoon van de Stier (Tauri)
Arnoldus, zoon van Henricus de Molenaar (Molendinarius)
Arnoldus, zoon van Leita
Andreas1Andreas de Smid (Faber)
Andries1Andries Vkeman